310-714-POOL (7665) License number: 1125501

Chlorine Free Pool System

What is a chlorine free pool system?

A chlorine free pool system is a type of pool sanitation that uses alternative methods to sanitize pool water. Chlorine is a common pool sanitizer, but it can be harsh on the skin, hair, and eyes. Chlorine free pool systems use a variety of methods to sanitize pool water, including:

  • Ozone: Ozone is a powerful oxidizer that can kill bacteria and algae.
  • UV light: UV light can also kill bacteria and algae.j
  • Mineral systems: Mineral systems use minerals, such as copper and silver, to kill bacteria and algae.

Benefits of chlorine free pool systems

There are a number of benefits to using a chlorine free pool system, including:

  • They are gentler on the skin, hair, and eyes.
  • They are less likely to cause allergic reactions.
  • They are more environmentally friendly.
  • They are a wonderful alternative for people who are sensitive or allergic to chlorine.

Types of chlorine free pool systems

There are a number of different types of chlorine free pool systems available, including:

  • Ozone systems: Ozone systems use ozone to sanitize pool water. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer that can kill bacteria and algae.
  • UV light systems: UV light systems use UV light to sanitize pool water. UV light can also kill bacteria and algae.
  • Mineral systems: Mineral systems use minerals, such as copper and silver, to kill bacteria and algae. Mineral systems are a good choice for people who have sensitive skin or allergies.

Maintenance of chlorine free pool systems

The maintenance of a chlorine free pool system will vary depending on the type of system you choose. The maintenance of these systems can only be provided by a knowledgeable company whose technicians are specially trained. 

Chlorine free pool systems are a great option for people who want to avoid the harsh effects of chlorine. There are a number of different types of chlorine free pool systems available, so you can choose the system that best suits your needs.

If you’re looking for a more natural, eco-friendly way to keep your pool clean and healthy, consider a chlorine-free pool system. Our company offers a range of chlorine-free options that use alternative methods to sanitize your pool water, without the harsh chemicals and odors of traditional chlorine treatments.

We offer mineral pool systems, which use minerals such as copper and silver to sanitize your pool water. These minerals are natural and safe, and they work together to keep your pool clean and healthy without the need for traditional chemicals.

At our company, we’re committed to helping you find the best chlorine-free solution for your pool. We’ll work with you to assess your pool’s needs and recommend a customized system that fits your budget and preferences. We’ll also provide you with tips and advice on how to maintain your chlorine-free pool system, so you can enjoy a crystal-clear pool all season long.

Whether you’re looking to reduce your exposure to harsh chemicals, or you simply prefer a more natural approach to pool maintenance, our chlorine-free pool systems are a great choice. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.